Saturday, August 6, 2016

Navel Gazing is NOT Compassion or Action...

Sometimes I hear something and my reaction is strong. It's so strong that I feel I need to say something yet, also need to navigate my emotional waters to get to a place where I'm articulating what it is I'm responding to. I have heard this statement twice this year from two different people:

" To not ask permission when wanting to help some one is the same as sorcery and black magic...."

This sentence enraged me... not much can do that. So, I had to look at that... where did it come from and why was I feeling such a strong response...

The statement  seems to be saying if you choose to help someone and they are not aware or conscious of it then you are in essence stealing their power... or manipulating them for your own gain... or ego...

First off I call that  Bullshit and this is why....

If you are trained properly in your spiritual work  all the focus is to be here on this planet to serve others. If you have any doubt about your motives or that of you teachers you need to re-evaluate your reasons for doing this work.

Religious institutions from all over the world have developed many tools to keep people oppressed. Karma for example has kept millions of people in India trapped in poverty, in a caste system that divides people in a hierarchy  of  "haves" and "have- nots"  creating endless suffering yet people call this some great cycle of  truth.... Why? If we buy into a system that is designed to oppress then it's roots are in power over not empowering. There is no escape from it's mechanism and people live wretched lives because the system blames them for their suffering.  Another example is the indoctrination of that Newage term "enlightenment"... you become this light... higher being and all others are some how less than and living in heavier... darker energies.... and because of this, enlightened folks have passed judgement and dismissed with great callousness the need to help others. Because their in the enlightened eyes the  suffering is their own fault it's up to them to figure it out.  This kind of thinking and acting  is selfish and perpetuates a continued cycle of oppression and this plays out everywhere in the world....

Some examples....

It you follow the Abraham channelings you will hear over and over how you can have whatever you want and if your not getting it then you are vibrating in some lower energy... or if things in life get difficult then you are some how attracting that kind of  suffering into your life. So, I ask you what woman asked to be raped ... or beaten by her husband? Or... Who wants to attract violence into her/his life?  Who attracts cancer?  Poverty? Addiction?  This ideology is a kind of brainwashing that supports victim blaming and shaming. It does not serve except to feed the egos of those who are benefiting from the system.

Dowsers have a protocol for deciding if they should do anything  in regards to a situation... the questions are:

May I?
Can I?
Should I?

In some ways these seem like simple and straight forward questions... yet... these questions are directed to the ego and the subjective mind. Most people will answer these questions based on their personal comfort with the situation... or in direct alignment with their opinions about the situation. This is a challenge for anyone who does some form of divination... It takes a tremendous amount of time and practice to get out of your own way. It is also important to  perhaps develop a new protocol. My suggested questions have been:

Who am I?  (What is my part in this?)
What am I doing?(What actions have I made to create or possible resolve the situation?)
Does it serve? (Am I contributing to a positive out come or meaningful resolution?)

Pulling back to see the big picture:  Are we creating unity or division?

The earth is in a challenging time of change. We (all beings) are subject to the system we live in... water, food, climate,... etc are all fragile and on the brink of  extinction by in many cases our own hand. As I write this  we have built and entire economy based on the oppression of others. Entire countries are exploited for oil, manufacturing, resources etc... and many can justify this by the ideology of economics and those who have  and those who have not.  It is no different than the cycle of Karma or the justification of being more enlightened than others.

To bring this back to where I began...

First off,  all of us are in this together. We live on this world as a collective. We all have skills and abilities that cover a wide expression of gifts and hard won mastery.  Being kind, helping others and doing the right thing should not be put in the category of "black magic". Sometimes you just have to do... and be present to the situation. Permission is great yet some people don't know help is possible... or are too sick in addiction, abuse, oppression to know or ask...  some have given up and don't care... these are not excuses to turn away or justify inaction. You can see the way this has played out in the world and its not healthy or sustainable.

We call someone who jumps down with out thinking or processing on to the subway tracks and saves someone's life a "hero"... what if he stood their and said, " Hey, do you want my help? Do I have your permission?  Doing the right thing, being of service requires the action of being present and doing and not thinking about the self... or you own personal out come.

You contribute with where your abilities are and sometimes you push beyond what you think you know about yourself.  If we really want the world to be a better place then we need to begin with telling a new story... one of nurture, sustainability, compassion, peace and inclusion... Until we start developing real service to others and see everyone/being/ plant/mineral/system  as a vital part then we are only staring at our navels and perpetuating the very things that feed this current system.

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